Someone let me know it would be a good idea to give a little information about myself. So I thought I'd start with my most consuming hobby/part-time job.
I am an active member of the Canadian Armed Forces. I am a reservist with 2 Military Police Company (2 MP Coy). 2 MP Coy consists of three platoons: 31 PL of London, 32 PL of Toronto and 33 PL of Ottawa.
I am a Corporal (Cpl) with 32 MP PL. Click here - and you'll see I'm pretty low on the rank structure. But the MPs are a different world. As a Cpl, when placed in certain situations, I have more power and authority than any other rank of other units. Think of it as a Constable pulling over the Mayor of a city for drunk driving. The Mayor clearly out-ranks the Constable, but in the lawful execution of his duties, the Constable has the authority to arrest the Mayor. Or for those of you who play Euchre, the Bowers may only be Jacks, but they are the most powerful cards in the deck.
Okay, cool stuff. The picture attached to this post is of me holding a Browning 9mm Pistol - made by Inglis. You know, the washing machine people. The Browning is the standard sidearm for high ranking members of the Reserve Military and all Reserve MPs. To tell you the truth, if I find myself in a position where I need my rifle, I'm in the wrong bloody area. Call in the Infantry. A typical shooter is effective upto and including 25 metres. Most privates struggle past 15 metres. Don't get within 40 metres of me. hehe
You'll also notice the soldier in the background (Cpl Rampersad) is wearing a red beret. A red berret is only worn by those in the MP trade. No others wear it. Army is green, Navy and Armoured is black, Air Force is blue, Search and Rescue (SAR Techs) wear orange and Airborne wear maroon. On occasion, you may also see MPs wearing brasards, or arm bands. There are different colour combos and configurations, but they all say "Military Police or simply "MP".
Before this gets too long, I would like to mention that my platoon boasts six members currently serving in Afganistan. Two are General Support (GS) and mostly stay on Kandahar Air Field (KAF) while four are Close Support (CS) and constantly travel "outside the wire" to directly support combat troops and vehicle convoys. Half way through their tour, all are doing well. In February, they will all come home while one more gets sent over.
Anyway, please submit a comment if there is anything else you'd like to know about my MP world. Thanks for reading.